+44 (0) 1224 898700

Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) Inspection Aberdeen - StagTIC

Bottom Hole Assembly Inspection

StagTIC Ltd provide BHA inspection covering the following types of inspection for all BHA types of drilling tubular:

  • Dimensional Inspection
  • Visual Inspection
  • Magnetic Particle Inspection
  • Dye Penetrant Inspection
  • Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Inspection
  • Refacing

BHA inspections will conform to API RP7, DS1, NS2, or any other standards nominated by our customers. In conjunction with drill pipe and BHA inspection STAG TIC Ltd can field reface rotary shouldered connections if required, alleviating the need to repair minor seal face damage via machine shop, saving valuable time and money. We have the capability to reface a range of API connections, including NC38, NC46, NC50, 6 5/8” REG, 7 5/8” REG, 5 ½” FH and 6 5/8” FH.


  • During the whole of the time we have been working together, StagTIC have demonstrated a highly professional approach to the job, with evidence of strict attention paid to Health and Safety of both their own personnel and those of our customers on board the offshore installations.

    - Alexander Ryan Europe
  • Their professionalism and attention to detail is refreshing and we look forward to working with them moving forward. Thank you for meeting our inspection requirements, you make the process a very easy and pleasant experience.

    - QHSE Manager of Frank's International

  • During the whole of the time we have been working together, StagTIC have demonstrated a highly professional approach to the job, with evidence of strict attention paid to Health and Safety of both their own personnel and those of our customers on board the offshore installations.

    - Alexander Ryan Europe
  • Their professionalism and attention to detail is refreshing and we look forward to working with them moving forward. Thank you for meeting our inspection requirements, you make the process a very easy and pleasant experience.

    - QHSE Manager of Frank's International


For a full list of products and technical data on equipment we can supply, can be obtained from the following links –

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StagTIC Ltd (401203), 50 Wellington Road, Aberdeen, AB12 3DN. VAT Registration No: 119 7417 02